Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Dirty Martini, a Toast, and a Celebration of a Life Well Lived...

Today is my friend Glenn’s 47th birthday. Glenn was an amazing father, husband, friend, and ever-present class parent at our children’s school. His whip smart commentaries and wicked sense of humor kept those of us lucky enough to bask in his orbit in stitches. His conviction to all that he held dear, commitment to his wonderful family, and love of life were an inspiration to all of us.

Glenn is the reason and the inspiration for this food blog. When he was diagnosed with cancer in March 2010, a group of friends came together to cook for him. He was warmed and comforted by all the love, care and concern coming his way, and asked me to write a cookbook of our adventure together. He passed away on April 29, 2010--just 45 days after his diagnosis. I decided, as part of my own grieving and healing process, to start the Healing and Comfort Foods blog to record some of his favorite recipes, and to continue to help those in need of healing and comfort with some heart warming dishes.

Glenn’s partner Ed and his children will be in Provincetown—one of Glenn’s favorite places while here on earth--celebrating Glenn today. I have decided to have a birthday celebration of my own, and will be making dirty martinis—his favorite cocktail!—and delicious crostini appetizers to celebrate this wonderful man. I will toast his brief but full and amazing life, and be grateful that I had such a dear and inspiring friend. Happy Birthday, Glenn!!


  1. Fantastic idea. My last one was in sorrow and memory. Perhaps, some change is needed.

  2. I remember reading some time ago about your amazing friend. I'm glad you celebrated his birthday once more. Even though I didn't know him I think perhaps come April 29 I may raise a dirty martini glass in honor of a life well lived. After all, that is the best legacy isn't it?
